Passive Solar Assessments
Site Plan Worksheet
West                                 House                                 East
Completing a Site Plan View
This shows the house perimeter and all obstacles which can cast a shadow like trees, hedges,
garage, neighbour (especially in duplex or townhouse situations), etc. relative to the house.
Also include Berms, wind-breaks, patios, decks and trellised vines. They affect the microclimate.
And also include sun-rooms, sunspaces, attached greenhouses and similar structures.
Indicate the roof overhangs and porches or covered entries.
Indicate any skylights, their location AND roof pitch angle.
Use a stake in line with an East or West wall to determine the house orientation.
Record the time (hours:minutes,TimeZone, Standard or Daylight) at which the
shadow of the stake lines up with the wall.
See Example for clarification.